Coachings á là Lysa

The sound of your life success…
When was the last time you tried something for the 1st time?
What is YOUR criteria for making a better decision for your business or for your personal life?
Use my website and my services as one of your high-end resources!
Live your highest potential. Love it. let it sound
Lysa Farmer is a successful entrepreneur and has been active in the field of high performance coaching and business coaching for over 30 years. Here you will find inspiration and videos to support you in your personal development. Personal development, systemic family therapy, psychotherapy, sound pedagogy, verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, finance and investments, business and corporations, marketing, change management, growth…
Lysa’s interests are broad. She is there to accompany you on your way to self-development (also with super awesome high-potential tools like crystal instruments).
Subscribe to the channel and find new inspiration!
I am so proud and excited! Our second collective conference and it was brilliantly done! It was all about the topic “unusual motivation” and decorating your life.
Here to just view Lysa’s speaking about “A breath of fresh air – unusual motivation” :
Go here to view the full version of Lysa and her fellow Certified High Performance™ Coaches panelists: David Grieve, Trisha Terns, Wendy Bouwan, Reinhard Klett, Majbrit Bottger, Gerald Morris The event – is a vintage, evergreen discourse:
OUR FIRST CONFERENCE: “Win 2021!” What do you need to let go of in 2020, so that you can move courageously, with clarity, productivity, influence, ENERGY and necessity/engagement into 2021.
7 successful High Performance Coaches shared their expertise and tips for your ACTIVE transition! 20 = trust 21 = uniqueness. You’ve got it and we’ve got your back!
My thanks to my fellow CHPC colleagues and family. As they say in North America – “we were stoked, we crushed it” and most importantly we are here with heart-centered support to ascertain that YOU, your career, your business, your family are in in sync to your/their own unique special place in 2021.
Here to just view Lysa’s speaking about “Winning your 2021 with Necessity and Engagement” :
Go here to view the full version of Lysa and her fellow Certified High Performance™ Coaches panelists: David Grieve, Trisha Terns, Wendy Bouwan, Reinhard Klett, Majbrit Bottger, Gerald Morris The event – is a vintage, evergreen discourse: