Me – SINGLE BORN TWIN – TRIPLE – The gifts of the ALL ONE that has come

Alone Twin, “Lost” Twin, Gifted Child, Inner Child


Do you feel like you have to earn your place on earth? to prove you worthy? Or are you afraid of taking something away from someone?

“It’s only recently that I’ve realized that my whole life has been organized around an absence.“ – Zitat

How long do you want to keep living like this? Or are you ready to end this chapter of your life? Open yourself to a NEW formative phase!
Do YOU ​​recognize your incarnation ray? Does it exhaust and unsettle you to keep asking why you came here alone?
Do you wonder why you often take the good, the special, the joyful and the successful for yourself and withhold them from your life?

Maybe now is the time to find out more and discover YOUR answers to these questions. Here you have the opportunity to experience reconciliation and reconciliation for yourself.
The inner restlessness, the futile search in the desire for completeness, the inner emptiness, the endless longing, the fear of not having deserved it… – all these are themes of the prenatal loss of twins or triplets. At the beginning of life you might not have been alone in your mother’s womb. You might have had one or more siblings with you. Then you directly witnessed how he/she dies. To this day, the experience still threatens one’s own existence of being born alone. The single-born experienced a deep shock that still affects his/her whole life to this day.

Do you confuse your partner, one of your children, your company/job, one of your animal friends with longing for your own lost twin or triplets? It is important for those born alone to come to terms with their own (good) destiny. Through our seminar process you will get to know yourself and your innate GENIUS (= identification process with your life) a little better, accept more and hopefully LOVE more! Sustainable success in life and happiness should arise from self-sabotage.
Do you want to experience CLARITY for yourself? Are you ready to turn this loss into a FORCE FIELD now?

The inner restlessness, the futile search in the desire for completeness, the inner emptiness, the endless longing… The topic is the prenatal loss of twins. At the beginning of life you might not have been alone in your mother’s womb. You might have had one or more siblings with you. Then you directly witnessed how he/she dies. The experience still threatens the existence of the single-born to this day. The single-born experienced a deep shock that still affects his/her whole life to this day.
Alleingeborenen fällt es schwer bis unmöglich mit ihrer ganzen Kraft im Leben zu sein. Schuldgefühle, eine ständige tiefe Sehnsucht nach dem Anderen, Angst vor erneuter Trennung; damit sind massiv auszuhaltende Schmerzen verbunden, die Lebensenergie und Lebensfreude ersticken.

It is important for those born alone to work through their own destiny so that when they have children themselves, their child “only” gets maternal or paternal love and it is not confused with a parent’s longing for his or her own lost twin.

In addition, the recognition and processing/integration process for a mother, a father, a process companion of a “disappeared” twin child is important for a healthy order in the family. Twin Born Alone Inner Child, Eternal Child…


2 days single born twin (multiple) or lost twin (or multiple)

This hot topic is very important for both men and women – on a ‘sibling’ level, as well as on the ‘having fathered’ (fatherhood) and ‘having carried’ (motherhood) levels; because something and who is missing in life… The “empty” space can be recognized and filled with joie de vivre, as well as one’s own liveliness and excellence.

2 days Inner Child / Gifted Child / The gifts of the ALL-ONE that has come

The inner child is a symbol of relating to ourselves and developing appropriate personal power and self-control, as well as love for oneself.
The themes here are: delusion, inner saboteur, addiction to litigation, I use… I wish… I desire… wanting to have… in the foreground.
Freeing the “child” from the nightmare of self-imposed limitations in order to live the self-power in excellence. We go into the “subtleties” of the “child”: over-arousal, overstimulation, effects of sensitivity, typical problems, body signals, partnership (no), projection field for the lost twin/multiple.
These injuries often determine adult life and inhibit people and their gifts and potential. They cause one to split off one’s self-love and excellence.
The aim of these seminar days is to align the human being with the true spiritual task of the inner child, so that he feels comfortable in his adult life and looks forward to his own destiny and learns to help shape it with excellence!


This seminar is suitable for process facilitators as well as for people who want to experience these topics for themselves.

€ 475,-

When: to be announced

10 a.m. – 6 p.m. in Kirchberg/Tyrol

Sign up now


Lysa was invited as an expert at the first online congress for The Lost Twin online congress in autumn 2017.

Her interview title was:

“From the unconscious imprisonment, through feeling, into the permission to excellence”


Who wants to experience the whole interview with me – click here. If you only want to experience a brief overview – please take a look below.


Here is a treat from the interview from 2017:


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