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Your voice

Would you like to lure out your voice, develop it and find your own center as well as open up new ways for unexpected creative development?

This section is not only useful for Sound Healing (Vibrational Medicine) – but also for those of you who (should) start creating seminars, webinars, podcasts, video blogs, etc. – here you will get to know YOUR voice and its nuance and appreciate and use it profitably!

Do you have issues with your voice? Does she tire when you have to talk too much? Can you amplify your voice far-reaching and effortlessly? Is your voice perceived by others as too monotonous or nasal? Your voice is ultimately your most powerful, sonorous tool in communication. The resonance of your voice goes hand in hand with how you come across to others and how you resonate with each other. And how you resonate with others not only affects interpersonal relationships, but also your money-resonance flow (= income). What if your voice becomes a sonic resonance for you?

How do you want to use your own voice? Get to know them better and recognize the strength that carries you – your hidden power.

We offer you a playful approach to your voice and amazing results! An alternative workshop for voice training and “vocal fun” with alternative practitioner for psychotherapy – Dr. phil. Lysa Jean Farmer and opera singer + naturopath – Antonia Brunner.


Saturday, day 1 – designed by Antonia

I have been a full-time member of the ensemble of the Bavarian State Opera since 1993. As a trained opera singer, I will help you to find and free your own voice on my seminar day.

During my training I learned about the concept of terlusolology; the inhalation and exhalation types Lunar and Solar. That helped me a lot back then and so I have now completed my training as a Terlusollogist with great enthusiasm.

This knowledge made me understand a lot. I work intensively with your breath, help to free it and thus support the solution of (voice) blockages – when singing and speaking. On the way to your own voice you meet yourself!

My other passion is being a non-medical practitioner with my own practice. My central work is the Emmett Technique and Craniosacral Therapy, which I have just completed with Wilhelm Blattner. I also offer Colon Hydrotherapy and BodyTalk.

In search of integrating my voice, I found AuraSound sound therapy with Dr. Lysa Jean Farmer and I am now very happy to be able to work with her. I was deeply touched by her work and was able to experience from her how much fun it is to work with so-called lay people!

Bring any folk song, song or aria, uncertainty about the text is not a problem, it’s about the style, we’ll lure your voice out!

I’m happy for you

Naturopathic practice Inti Wasi
Antonia Brunner

Sunday Day 2 – designed by Lysa

I come from a family with music teachers and composers and have therefore been very musical since I was a child. My “instruments” are choir, clarinet, oboe, cello, recorder, crystal singing bowls.

Since 1996 I have been using my voice as a therapeutic body of sound. In 2006 I trained as a “Holographic Sound Healer” with crystal singing bowls and voice to deepen my knowledge.

I am the founder of “AuraSound-Vibrational Medicine”. The strength of AuraSound is not only the sound healing modules, but also the process management aspects coupled with intuitive gut intelligence and joyful implementation.

As part of one such open process during Antonia’s seminar visit, I invited her to apply her work with terlusollogy in the group. I was so enthusiastic about Antonia’s implementation of the methodology that I offered her to organize the first day of the voice seminar – and 3 years later we are enjoying conducting seminars together more and more.

On my seminar day we practice:

◊ Vocal sound reinforcement through the use of vowels and umlauts, lip and tongue overtones
◊ Using a methodology I developed, we carry out a “vote constellation” of your name. You experience the power of your own name: “I am…”
◊ Improvisation – heart singing
◊ Harmonic Toning – Vocal warm-up
◊ Aligning and controlling your voice to generate frequencies of sympathetic resonance to achieve balance in the physical, etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies
◊ Remote Energetic

I look forward to our joint work!

€ 380.00 Voice weekend

Wann: 14. + 15. September 2024
Wo: Kirchberg / Tirol ODER online über Zoom

€ 400,-

jeweils von 10 bis 19 Uhr
Jetzt Anmelden

*Bitte gib mir bei der Anmeldung Bescheid, ob du vor Ort oder online über Zoom teilnehmen möchtest.

Sign up now



Live meditation evenings with Lysa

You have the opportunity, so to speak, to become an expert in your own source of power, which can accompany you in your daily rhythm.

The meditation evenings – once a month you can experience LIVE on site or through “Abo” remote. The MediAbende have been a tradition since 1994. Each month I provide a “state of the nation” on current world events and how they affect us in our everyday lives. In order to work on and integrate these collective topics, two guided meditations are implemented. The wonderful crystal instruments round off the meditation experiences.

Please bring your own insulating mat, blanket, stationery, seat cushion, warm clothing and slippers. Please note: the room in front of us is occupied by another group. Please wait outside and be quiet until it’s our turn. THANK YOU!

It is possible to order the complete evenings as an MP3 download. Use this for this contact form.


NEU!!!!: I have bundled all new and previously recorded meditations and in mine Treasure chest prepared. Treasure Chest – a miraculous “self development” and self-help resource! Book a treasure chest subscription and be there “for free” in Munich in Bethlehem Stadel, when evenings are possible again on site.

More information about the treasure chest

Planned dates for on-site events in

Bethlehem Stadel in Munich in 2023

For your local Order/place reservation hier klicken. Danke!

If “on site” in the Stadel Admission is from 7:30 p.m., in Munich / Untermenzing, Bethlehem-Stadel

A photo by Levi XU.

SPECIAL: The best investment – your knowledge of “DAS System”

The best investment? YOUR knowledge about “THE system”

A NEW super awesome seminar took place this June! And I am happy to share with you this unique SPECIAL money/currency/ and resource conference in the form of the recordings including MEGA SUPERLATIVE BONUS content 🤗✨🥳

I’ve been asked so many times over the last six months to hold another money seminar. But I knew that it had to be more “modern” and even more varied and lively.

Now the time has come! I am very happy about this announcement as well as the superlative content and the likeable, experienced experts/speakers that I was able to win for this conference – to make YOU aware, so that you can better recognize, choose, accept and manage your resources.

I wanted to offer you something GENIUS that is super enlightening and enriching at the same time.

Keywords: crypto, digital currency, associations, Reich citizens, corporations, leasehold, maritime canonical law, bonus system, WEF, Feng Shui, Gesara, Nesara, Kadaster

How much have you deepened your knowledge on these topics so far?
For many people (including many AuraCounselors and Energetics) the issues are uncomfortable and overwhelming. Over 4 days we develop and deepen our knowledge and our handling of different money and resource fields. We focus on your future potentials.

Got it.. time is money… and you want to know the conference agenda… then just scroll down… and register now! 😀

Superimposed for you as a private person – but there are also important impulses for all Aura consultants so that you can better support your clients in a future-oriented manner. Looking beyond the soup plate – and being able to recognize
intergalactic connections – is more important than ever.

Money/currency is not the same as money/currency. It is a means of exchanging energy and communicating and also growing from it. Behind money/currency, that human lives and human dreams are always connected… At least our soul knows that; she understands it rather old-fashioned and wishes for more ethics, fairness and appreciation in our dealings with it. The soul still expects “the handshake quality” with all implementation of currency fields.

You can now receive this SUPERLATIVE event in WEBINAR FORMAT!

Find out what money/currency has to do with appreciation.
Align them with your own emotional needs.
Are you interested in your reconciliation with the system?

“Surving, Thriving and Prospering” during and after currency changes. Empires are built during stormy times.
Stop waiting for “better times” – I encourage you to realize your life dreams in the here and now!
The 4 days and the explosive content support you.


I order the recording!


Shall we now take a look at the speakers and conference agenda?
Ringing coins, “crispy” banknotes and “plenty of plastic” and dangle those “chains” baby!


Preliminary conference agenda and content:
Are you looking for an expanded and constructive use of your own money/currency/resources?
Do you have questions about the nature of “money”, how it works, how it was created and how it influences society.

Then you’ve come to the right place at this “GOLD” conference!

Thursday 9 June 2022
10.00 a.m. Welcome á là Lysa
11.00 am – 1.00 pm Brand new content: Lysa’s ENRICHING Wealth Workout – more varied than ever, so that you are even MORE SUCCESSFUL!

13.00 – 15.00 Lunch and networking time
15.00 – 18.30 Johanna SchlugaFeng Shui: Living and working in harmony with the environment
How can feng shui support your life and business? Johanna has successfully managed to combine Western and Asian approaches to Feng Shui in a holistic concept, always with the aim of to harness the energy sources that surround us for our personal flow of energy. The result is increased well-being, better health and higher productivity, as well as better collaboration and increased creativity, appreciation and productivity in companies.
At our conference, Johanna will start with the bird’s-eye view and refine the view (=region, place, house, room). which interaction and consequences does the region have the place, your house and your “home office” or your office/practice premises? How is the energy generation and development? How is energy withdrawn or ripped off? Also like contracts and their signing date can massively influence a life, a business, a marriage, an employment, notary appointments, etc.
Did you know that every living space (and therefore also business/practice space) is in a 20-year cycle that has an impact on its energy? What are impacts if the human and habitat are not updated?
Especially those who work as aura consultants or energetics should get to know these topics. Suggestions on how interference fields can be harmonized and sorted are shown.
Johanna has a specialgenerous highlight ato the conference participants – whoever wants to – gets his/her region printed out and “suggestions” implemented by Johanna. WOW! What a treat!

FFriday, June 10, 2022
10.00 am – 1.30 pm Lysa’s enriching wealth workout – more varied than ever, so that you are even more successful!

13:30 – 15:30 Lunch and networking time
15.30 – 19.30 Lysa’s Wealth Workout –– “The walk of fame…”
Live practice with money/resources round. The rules of the money game – games to win Every game has rules. Know the rules and play the game to win.


Saturday 11 June 2022

10:00 – 13:30 Christian Schoor – Crypto, Digital Currency, Blockchain, NFTs, Metaverse

Crypto technology is a potential huge opportunity for societal change. The pendulum can swing in the direction of centralization, control and censorship or in the direction of privacy, anonymity and individual freedom.

General classification of crypto from Christian’s point of view for everyone. What is crypto (technology)? How did “the field” of crypto come about in the first place? Crypto in the current reality. Where do we stand right now, polarity (e.g. central-control-censorable vs. decentralized-private-free), political-global situation with crypto. What does “crypto” include, everything that crypto can do, what remarkable projects are there right now. What role does cryptocurrency play in all of this? How can projects differ (e.g. centralized – decentralized)

Ways to start trading cryptocurrencies. Current fields/opportunities for investment opportunities.

As a knowledge imparter, Christian would like to lead his listeners towards competent self-responsibility and by far favors the liberal scenario.

13.30 – 15.30 lunch break and networking time

3.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. Wolfgang Reischmann – Relevance of Austrian associations (especially for non-Austrians)

Why could an Austrian association be interesting for you, your project and your business? For whom is such a structure in question? Wolfgang explains the main differences and criteria so that your project is integrated into the state requirements in the best possible way. What are the advantages of sovereignty and club autonomy. The verbal eroticism behind successful statutes. What legal gray area should you be aware of? Helpful knowledge about people, persons and masks so that you can live a “dumb-free” life. That is, if it’s not forbidden – it’s allowed

Sunday 12 June 2022

10:00 am Welcome a la Lysa

11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Questions + answers and deepening with Christian, Wolfgang, Johanna + Lysa

13.00 – 15.00 Lunch and networking time

15.00 – 18.00 Lysa’s enriching wealth workout Conclusion: Realign your resource mindset

Final meditation Lysa and her crystal singing bowls


Ich bestelle die Aufzeichnung!


Dr. phil. Lysa Farmer
Since 1992 Lysa has been working as a freelance entrepreneur, consultant and trainer and naturopath for psychotherapy in order to convey spirituality and business with self-development, appreciation and (life) resources in holistic solutions for a new energy/money awareness.
A tool for this for 30 years is: Lysa’s legendary money seminars.
It is particularly interesting that Lysa focuses on self-esteem in particular. Her purpose is to: look through your money/currency/resource history at eye level to accept your miracle in cash!! Spiritual handling of money, currency, resources, business and success is possible and livable! You are worth it as a person here


Lysa’s evergreens on money + resources:


Christian Schoor
Jack of all trades and Jack of all trades! Among other things, with the topics of cryptocurrency, dowsing/geopathology, alternative forms of society, history, energy work, permaculture and reality shaping.

He has been active in the field of crypto since 2017, primarily as a trader and as a project supporter. He sees crypto technology as a huge opportunity for social change. The pendulum can swing in the direction of centralization, control and censorship or in the direction of privacy, anonymity and individual freedom.
As a knowledge broker, he would like to lead his listeners to competent self-responsibility, and in doing so he greatly favors the liberal scenario.



Johanna Schluga
She has been a passionate Feng Shui consultant since 1996 and mainly works in Austria and Germany. In addition to Feng Shui consultations for private individuals and companies, she also trains Feng Shui consultants according to her Red Dragon School. Numerous references in the private sector and in companies from a wide variety of industries confirm the effectiveness and holistic view of this consulting approach.

Johanna has a super special for all “on site” conference participants!



Wolfgang Reischmann

Institut Reischi
Verband der gemeinnützigen Vereine
St. Johann im Pongau
Verein: Mensch zu Mensch – Selbsthilfeverein zur Förderung, Erforschung, Stärkung und Befähigung humaner Eigenverantwortung – ZVR:199065694
Experte seit mehr als 10 Jahren für
Kompaktes Wissen (gemeinnützigen) Vereinsgründung.


Ich bestelle die Aufzeichnung!

Me – SINGLE BORN TWIN – TRIPLE – The gifts of the ALL ONE that has come


Do you feel like you have to earn your place on earth? to prove you worthy? Or are you afraid of taking something away from someone?

“It’s only recently that I’ve realized that my whole life has been organized around an absence.“ – Zitat

How long do you want to keep living like this? Or are you ready to end this chapter of your life? Open yourself to a NEW formative phase!
Do YOU ​​recognize your incarnation ray? Does it exhaust and unsettle you to keep asking why you came here alone?
Do you wonder why you often take the good, the special, the joyful and the successful for yourself and withhold them from your life?

Maybe now is the time to find out more and discover YOUR answers to these questions. Here you have the opportunity to experience reconciliation and reconciliation for yourself.
The inner restlessness, the futile search in the desire for completeness, the inner emptiness, the endless longing, the fear of not having deserved it… – all these are themes of the prenatal loss of twins or triplets. At the beginning of life you might not have been alone in your mother’s womb. You might have had one or more siblings with you. Then you directly witnessed how he/she dies. To this day, the experience still threatens one’s own existence of being born alone. The single-born experienced a deep shock that still affects his/her whole life to this day.

Do you confuse your partner, one of your children, your company/job, one of your animal friends with longing for your own lost twin or triplets? It is important for those born alone to come to terms with their own (good) destiny. Through our seminar process you will get to know yourself and your innate GENIUS (= identification process with your life) a little better, accept more and hopefully LOVE more! Sustainable success in life and happiness should arise from self-sabotage.
Do you want to experience CLARITY for yourself? Are you ready to turn this loss into a FORCE FIELD now?

The inner restlessness, the futile search in the desire for completeness, the inner emptiness, the endless longing… The topic is the prenatal loss of twins. At the beginning of life you might not have been alone in your mother’s womb. You might have had one or more siblings with you. Then you directly witnessed how he/she dies. The experience still threatens the existence of the single-born to this day. The single-born experienced a deep shock that still affects his/her whole life to this day.
Alleingeborenen fällt es schwer bis unmöglich mit ihrer ganzen Kraft im Leben zu sein. Schuldgefühle, eine ständige tiefe Sehnsucht nach dem Anderen, Angst vor erneuter Trennung; damit sind massiv auszuhaltende Schmerzen verbunden, die Lebensenergie und Lebensfreude ersticken.

It is important for those born alone to work through their own destiny so that when they have children themselves, their child “only” gets maternal or paternal love and it is not confused with a parent’s longing for his or her own lost twin.

In addition, the recognition and processing/integration process for a mother, a father, a process companion of a “disappeared” twin child is important for a healthy order in the family. Twin Born Alone Inner Child, Eternal Child…


2 days single born twin (multiple) or lost twin (or multiple)

This hot topic is very important for both men and women – on a ‘sibling’ level, as well as on the ‘having fathered’ (fatherhood) and ‘having carried’ (motherhood) levels; because something and who is missing in life… The “empty” space can be recognized and filled with joie de vivre, as well as one’s own liveliness and excellence.

2 days Inner Child / Gifted Child / The gifts of the ALL-ONE that has come

The inner child is a symbol of relating to ourselves and developing appropriate personal power and self-control, as well as love for oneself.
The themes here are: delusion, inner saboteur, addiction to litigation, I use… I wish… I desire… wanting to have… in the foreground.
Freeing the “child” from the nightmare of self-imposed limitations in order to live the self-power in excellence. We go into the “subtleties” of the “child”: over-arousal, overstimulation, effects of sensitivity, typical problems, body signals, partnership (no), projection field for the lost twin/multiple.
These injuries often determine adult life and inhibit people and their gifts and potential. They cause one to split off one’s self-love and excellence.
The aim of these seminar days is to align the human being with the true spiritual task of the inner child, so that he feels comfortable in his adult life and looks forward to his own destiny and learns to help shape it with excellence!


This seminar is suitable for process facilitators as well as for people who want to experience these topics for themselves.

€ 475,-

When: to be announced

10 a.m. – 6 p.m. in Kirchberg/Tyrol

Sign up now


Lysa was invited as an expert at the first online congress for The Lost Twin online congress in autumn 2017.

Her interview title was:

“From the unconscious imprisonment, through feeling, into the permission to excellence”


Who wants to experience the whole interview with me – click here. If you only want to experience a brief overview – please take a look below.


Here is a treat from the interview from 2017:


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